1. Introduction

Applying for a visa to visit or study in the UK can be a daunting task, especially when you are keen to know the progress of your application. Fortunately, there are ways of tracking your UK visa application progress. In this article, we will look at how to check the progress of a UK visa application and the different methods available.

1. Introduction

2. Checking UK Visa Application Progress on Gov.uk

The UK government website gov.uk allows you to track your visa application progress. Firstly, you need to log in to your account, click on the ‘view application’ option, then click on ‘application status’. This will provide you with comprehensive information about your application progress.

The status message will tell you the current processing stage of your application; for example, awaiting documents, awaiting decision, or processed application. Additionally, you can view any notes that were made on your application, and if further information is needed to process your application, it will also be displayed on this page.

3. Contacting UK Visa Application Centre

If the gov.uk website does not provide you with the information you need, you can contact the UK visa application centre. Contact details will be provided on the website you applied from. You can opt to send them an email or give them a call. In either scenario, you will require your reference code received at the time of application, so make sure you have this information on hand.

The UK visa application centre may not be able to provide you with more information than is available on the gov.uk website. However, they may be able to provide you with some insight or recommend a course of action to speed up your application process, or they may be able to confirm receipt of any additional supporting documents.

4. Alternative Ways to Track UK Visa Application Progress

There are also other ways to check the progress of a UK visa application. One such method is via a text message service offered by some visa application centres. You can sign up for this service, and you will receive text message updates on the status of your visa application progress.

An additional option is to hire a visa agent who will track your application process for you. They are experienced in visa application procedures, have a good understanding of the visa application process and any potential pitfalls, and can offer effective solutions to expedite the process.


When applying for a UK visa, tracking the progress of your application is essential for peace of mind. Checking your UK visa application progress on gov.uk, contacting the UK visa application centre, and other tracking methods can ensure you can track your UK visa application progress with ease. If in doubt, a visa agent can provide valuable advice and support to ensure your application process runs smoothly.

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