



就是写个学习计划STUDY PLAN 最主要的就是要说清楚你学成后一定会回中国的,否则签证官会认为你有移民倾向会被拒掉的 还有就是要有足够的资金



1.个人隐私的体现  英文简历通常不体现个人的一些隐私信息,例如:出生日期,性别,婚姻状况,上任薪金待遇等。这是因为在美国的企业不能在年龄、性别或者种族等因素歧视应聘者,如果发生这类情况,企业主将会被应聘者起诉。国内的简历则要求注明这些信息,甚至有的还填写了身高体重以及期望的薪金待遇,类似于这类的个人隐私如果出现在英文简历里,那雇主会认为你对美国文化理解得不够地道。  2.篇幅与格式  英文简历一般篇幅较短,一页算是标准篇幅,当然如果你的个人经历非常丰富,超过一页也不是不可能,但对于刚出校园的学生,往往一页是最佳篇幅。而中文简历往往可以做成两页。大家可以对比一下这两份简历的格式,可以看出英文简历非常注重经历,而中文简历却将学历放得比较重要。 3.学历与经历罗列顺序  在美求职时,如果是正在工作的人,简历中的experience应该写在教育背景前,而对于在校生则将教育背景写在experience之前。英文简历一般以倒叙罗列内容,最近的学历和工作经历放在最前面,并且学校或者实践单位大写并加粗便于招募者迅速识别你的学历和经历。如果应聘者正在学习,那最好用candidate for开头,这样比较严谨。时间罗列在左侧或者右侧都可以,例如2007-present。



An English proverb goes like this,"Spare the rod and spoil the child." It implies that in order to enable a child to grow healthily,parents must make him eat bitter foods,do hard work and be sent to places where he can get the fullest training and knowledge. First of all,eating bitter foods is necessary for a child. Poor food can help cultivate in him the frugal (节俭的 ) habit and make him realize what we eat daily is the fruit or the sweat of the laboring people. Consequently,he will not be wasteful when he grows up. Secondly,parents should also make the child do hard work. Doing hard work will give him an opportunity to taste the bitterness of labor. Moreover,hard work may also enable him to cherish the fruit of other"s labor. Finally,children should be sent to somewhere where life is hard if possible. Human society is full of tests and trials. Flowers from a greenhouse can never withstand a storm. Therefore,children should be allowed to face the world and brave the storm. It is indifficult conditions that young people can get the most training and learn how to solve the problems invarious circumstances.

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