留学申请书英文翻译,中学生留学自荐信应该怎么写 最好有英文版范文
来源:整理 编辑:留学签证 2023-03-16 18:56:45
1,中学生留学自荐信应该怎么写 最好有英文版范文
自荐信指的应该是personal statement或者说study plan之类的。这个不建议泛泛而论,最好根据自己的背景和预申请的学校条件来写,几率会大些,尤其对于私立名校。我是美加留学顾问,如有需要可以直接找我咨询。楼上给的是推荐信,就是您导师或者是熟知的朋友给写的peer recommendation,而非自荐信。
填写申请表并提供申请所需要的材料即可。1.对自己将来的定位2.对自己教育背景的介绍(本条要求不是很严格,可以随意发挥,我是一名高中毕业生)3.对专业的铺垫,自己专业方面的特长,帮我随便吹吹牛,不要吹得太厉害,再展望一下未来4.对学习的认识(用现在时)5.自己对大学的认识和理解6.对专业的热爱和理解7.为什么要选这个学校(自己随便编就行了)和这个专业,比如说对个人发展方面,人文与学员传统(接着编),学校与自身结合点8.对未来的预期和计划,谈自己的优势,比如说是在当地就业还是回国,随便看着编就行了(最好用i like to , 不要用 i will be )望采纳
所提交所有材料的中文稿都需要提供翻译件 ;具体说明如下:文件翻译要求l 您需要提供所有非英文的支持文件的翻译件。任何翻译文件都需要与其相应的原件同时递交,以便核查。翻译者必须是负责的并且对所翻译的全部文件负有完全责任。l 所有的翻译文件都必须包括以下信息:翻译件必须包含以下信息,否则英国签证中心则会认为翻译件不符合要求而遭受拒签。翻译日期,同时手写翻译者的全名及亲笔签名翻译者的证件编号翻译人的工作单位翻译者的联系方式,包括电话和Email(最重要的一点)翻译者证实此翻译件为原件的准确译文。翻译人在翻译件上一定要注明以下这段英文:I confirm this is an accuratetranslation of original documents.申请者不能为自己的文件做翻译,所有翻译文件必须使用标准的A4纸递交经英国大使馆授权,在中国境内所有的英国签证申请中心将为签证申请者提供翻译服务。简单翻译件每页:人民币75元;复杂翻译件每页:人民币110元去签证中心翻译大约花费300元左右,这样做比较放心!
I graduated from high school so I have no hesitation on the choice of a school in New Zealand # # language. I will study hard in my favorite professional chefs do The excellent results. After graduating from college, I want to stay in New ZealandMy name is a Xing, the male, 81 years, was born on October 10, Meihekoushi Jilin Province, 94 to 97 years, I focused on secondary schools in the city of learning, so far has been very good test in my 97 years with outstanding results in key high school admitted to the city Five high school, I will study hard, law-abiding, is studying in New Zealand as soon as possible, I will be on academic achievement. New Zealand Education Center in language learning for some time, I work hard to improve themselves, and constantly improve their moral qualities and scientific and cultural qualities, in order to study abroad in the future is to lay a solid foundation, I will learn the full knowledge of the use of social practice. I went to New Zealand parents of students strongly support, and be fully capable of economic security, life everywhere efficiency, to New Zealand. New Zealand national environmental good, clean air. I believe that by relying on their own hard work and New Zealand advanced educational philosophy, so that I can feel at ease in the New Zealand study, I will not live up to the expectations of parents, has nurtured a number of excellent students, is well-known physicist Rutherford New Zealanders. In particular, I follow the out-of-school teachers to teach # # New Zealand to study language, I see him from a New Zealander in charge of the efficient and courteous, I will participate in the college entrance examination in New Zealand, to do its utmost to obtain an excellent State University. I will choose in college I like the professional chef, mild climate, and many other fine qualities, which Is what I want to learn. New Zealand people know how to cherish the time and reasonable use of time, high school in three years of life, treasure This unique opportunity to study. I sincerely hope to get the opportunity to study in New Zealandobserve discipline and law, results have been very good, 97 years with outstanding results in test I entered the city the focus of high school Five high school, three years of study in high school life, I. I went to New Zealand parents are very supportive of studying abroad, the famous physicist Rutherford is New Zealanders. New Zealand people know how to treasure time and rational use of time, so that I can feel at ease in the New Zealand study, I certainly do not live up to the expectations of parents to New Zealand, I will study hard. I believe that by relying on their own hard work and New Zealand advanced educational philosophy, 81 years was born October 10, Jilin梅河口市people, 94 to 97 years, I focused on secondary schools in the urban study, life everywhere efficiency. Language education center in New Zealand to study for some time, I will attend the New Zealand university entrance examination, and have sufficient capacity to be economic security, I will definitely be successful in their studies. I will study hard in my professional chefs prefer to do a cum laude. After graduating from college I very much want to stay in New Zealand work, I learned the full use of the social practice, work hard and make progress, and continuously improve their moral qualities and scientific and cultural qualities, for future study abroad and lay a solid foundation. New Zealand national environmental good, this is what I want to learn, to do its utmost to obtain an excellent National University. At the university I will choose my favorite professional chef. Therefore, I graduated from high school on the choice of hesitation in the # # language school in New Zealand in order to study in New Zealand as soon as possibleMy name is GUO Xing-I, M. In particular, to follow my # # teachers teaching outside of New Zealand language learning period, I learned from him to see a New Zealander in charge of efficient and courteous, and many other fine qualities, fresh air, mild climate, has nurtured a number of outstanding students你好,英文留学申请文书根本不能这样写的啦!!!我的QQ435363997.我们都是英语专业的留学生,在新西兰的惠灵顿有好几年。你把你的具体情况给我发来,我给你起草一个框架。你看到了就知道什么是个人简历了
留学申请书英文翻译留学 留学申请 申请