
抄单词2遍 背下学期的单词 短文五篇



head hands feet hands nose mouth teeth stomach
1mouth 2.foot feet 3.nose 4.mouth 5.teeth. 6.stomach



on the other hand:另一方面 twice a month:一个月两次 make a difference:与……不同 have a sore throat:喉咙痛
on the other hand 在另一方面 twice a month 一个月两次 make a difference 有影响 有关系 have a sore throat. 喉咙痛
on the other hand:另一方面 twice a month:一个月两次 make a difference:有所不同,就是说你所做的某一件事会影响你或别人,是表肯定的,带来与众不同的效果 have a sore throat:喉咙疼,嗓子疼痛 a few 和few都是少量的,跟可数名词,前者表示肯定,后者表示否定



1.could you please (表示请求的句型) 2.take care of(look after=take care of 照顾,照料) 3.do exercise healthy (exercise既有动词性,也名词性 ,即exercise=do exercise; fit=healthy 健康的) 祝你英语成绩更上一层楼!!!
1 Could you please answer the questions? 2 He is going to take care of his grandpa. 3 take more exercise to keep healthy.
would you please take care of do ... more exercise .... fit


1. Late at night, the streets empty. 2. How she can look forward to the opportunity to study abroad. 3. I can feel the waves of the breeze blowing from the window side of my face. 4. I find it difficult to speak to a child three years old understand what I mean 5. Your writing good, but there are several spelling errors 6. In this issue, our views differ. 7.60% of the surveyed students protested against the fees of any kind 8. On the other hand, 40% of the students think that we should charge entrance fees. 9. In short, the students did not have to agree. 10. Have been deeply moved by the story, and he could not help crying. 11. When each presentation, the Chinese usually shake hands. 12 hear the tone, the students walked into the classroom. 13. If you give me some time, I will do better.

6,寒假英语作业 急

The range of detergent phosphate concentrations entering the LTP on the low-frequency washing day was202-339g p/day (25-75% percentiles). Using the rate constant for hydrolysis of triphosphate in Whittlesea sewage at 20℃ , the original mass of triphosphate in sewage was estimated by the approach above to be 370-621g(25-75% percentiles of triphosphate-P per day.在低频洗衣日内进入LTP的洗涤剂磷酸盐的浓度范围为202 -339克每天( 25-75 %)。使用这个比率在20 ℃温度下在Whittlesea污水处理中心进行恒定的三磷酸盐水解实验 ,污水中原来大量的三磷酸盐按上面的方法估算为370-621克( 25-75 %的三磷酸盐-磷酸盐)每天。The estimated mass of total phosphorus at the LTP on a day of low washing activity was 2070-3390g P/day (25-70% percentiles). The percent contribution of detergent phosphates to the total phosphorus load wad therefore between 11 and 30% for the low activity washing day. These values are somewhat lower than those reported in the literature (Fuller and Dunhill, 1994; Weichers and Heknike,1986). However, they do not include triphosphate present in the > 0.2um fraction of the waste water。估算的一个低频洗衣日内LTP里磷的总重量为2070-3390克每天( 25-70 %)。 在低频洗衣日磷酸盐洗涤剂对总磷负荷的贡献率因此为11-30 %。这些值多少低于文献报道(Fuller and Dunhill, 1994; Weichers and Heknike,1986) 。然而,他们不包括 0.2um部分废水中的三磷酸盐。From the spiked sewage hydrolysis experiments, it was estimated that approximately 20% of the triphosphate was taken up by the particulate(0.2um) fraction. On this basis, it can be estimated that the total contribution of triphosphate to the total phosphorus load in sewage is of the order of 14-38% (25-70% percentiles) for a day of low washing activity. 从添加了的污水解实验中,估算出,大约20 %的三磷酸盐被微粒( 0.2um )吸收。在此基础上,可估算,在低频洗衣日磷酸盐洗涤剂对总磷负荷的贡献率达到14-38%( 25-70 %)。A similar calculation for the day of high washing activity is precluded because of a lack of adequate TP data.These estimated total and detergent phosphorus loads are somewhat lower than that which might be expected on the basis of per capita detergent usage. 由于缺乏足够的三磷酸盐和磷酸盐数据,在高清洗活动日里一个类似的计算被排除。这些估算的总额和洗涤剂磷负荷多少低于按人均洗涤剂的使用进行的可能的预算。
磷浓度洗衣粉的范围上进入华电科技低频洗涤日was202 339g p /天,(25 - 75%索要)。利用速率常数的三20℃Whittlesea污水中,原有的污水中三估计方法以上的370 - 621g(25 - 75%的每日triphosphate-P。   大规模的总磷的估计在华电科技,洗涤活性低,P / e - 3390g乾燥(25 - 70%索要)。百分之的贡献与总磷洗涤剂磷酸盐11 -因此负载下等的低30%。洗涤日活动,这些价值观是有点低于那些文献报告(福勒及其Dunhill,1994,Weichers和Heknike,1986年)。然而,他们并不包括三部分存在于> 0.2um废水的。从带刺的污水水解实验,据估计,大约有20%是由三部分微粒(0.2um)。在此基础上,就可以估计总数的贡献与总磷腺苷负荷污水为14 - 38%(25 - 70%)的日子索要低洗涤活性。一个类似计算的洗涤活性方由于缺乏足够的茶多酚的数据。   这些估计总磷负荷及清洁剂比较低,根据人均清洁剂使用。对于一个乡的住处,人口普查数据为425号住宅(每个人),人均消费(0.85g洗洁精/日)可以用来估计在1012g磷洗衣粉P /天(Dunhill,初步探讨。委员会的. .)。这个略高于我们的计算范围的37 - 621g day.However P /,值得注意的是,我们估计为可溶的部分蜡废水、不含钙颗粒物质联系在一起。20%。

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