
1,请问出国签证证明函work period怎么写

你可以写你开始工作的时间到现在,例如;from 01 Oct, 2002 to now

请问出国签证证明函work period怎么写


如果是欧美澳等发达国家,他们使馆是有格式要求的,你找谁办的签证,你找谁要模板,必须按模板写,如果是日本、韩国、非洲中东等国家,没有具体模板要求的,你就写: 在职证明 兹证明***自*年*月*日起在我公司任职, 现任**职,此次去日本(目的地)旅游,回来后会继续在公司任职,特此证明 ***************有限公司 年月日



使用公司抬头纸。 To Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that Mr. XXX, who joined in our comapny in month, year, currently serves as YYYY Manager. Mr. XXX is planning a pleasure visit to Germany with his family during the period of Jun 20, 2010 through Jul 5, 2010 and is expected to return to office on Jul 8, 2010. Please feel free to contact me for further inquiry via: - email: - Tel: - Fax: Sincerely yours, XXXXXX HR Manager ZZZZZZZZZZZZ Company Limited Tel: 88888888 ext. 6666



假信参考样本CertificationXXX is a student in class XX grade XX in XXXXXX (学校名称). He/She will travel to BRITAIN in xxx.xxx (出国时间某年某月) with his / her parents. According to the schedule, they will stay in there for almost xx days. All the expenses including the transportation, the accommodation, the meals and the health insurance will be furnished by his / her parents. Yours sincerely,领导人签名领导人职位学校盖章Tel: xxx-xxxxxxAdd: xxxxxxxxxxSchool Name: xxxxxxxxxx准假信样本译文:证明XXX是XXX(学校名称)X年级X班的学生。他/她将于X年X月(出国时间某年某月)和他/她父母去英国旅游。根据行程,他/她会在国外停留X天。所有费用包括:机票费用,运输费,住宿费和医疗保险等均由他/她父母承担。学校领导人签名学校领导人职位学校盖章学校电话:XXXXXXXX学校地址:XXXXXXXX学校名称:XXXXXXXX

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