

翻译translate interpret



幸福的, 愉快的, 高兴的 We had a happy reunion after many years. 我们在分别多年之后又愉快地团聚在一起。对…感到满意的; 认为…是对的[好的]Are you happy with his work? 你对他的工作满意吗?



就目前来说 On present 基于这些原因 base on these reasons 在我看来i think 或者In my opinion 指令Instruction



人皆吊之(吊) 宽慰 其马将胡骏马而归(将) 带着 家富良马(富)有很多 此何遽不能为祸乎(整句翻译) 这怎么就不能变为一件福事呢
吊念 带领 厚,多 这怎么就不能是一种灾祸呢
He Ju here can not even harm


鼓 平淡 垃圾桶 动态 鹰 边缘 选举 放大 查询 企业 条目 错误 展开 明确 暴露 扩展 非凡 褪色 博览会 信仰 假 奇妙 票价 传真 盛宴 联邦 费 篱笆 渡轮 光纤 小说 场 激烈 指甲 公司 拳头 修复 国旗 火焰 平 逃跑 浮动 流感 流利 按顺序每个都有 ^_^
鼓 乏味的 垃圾箱 动态 鹰 边缘 选举 扩大 询问 企业 入口 误差 扩大 明确 暴露 延伸 非凡的 褪色 公平 信心 假 美妙的 票价 传真 盛宴 联邦 费用 栅栏 渡轮 纤维 小说 领域 激烈 指甲 公司 拳头 修理 国旗 火焰 平 逃 浮 流感 流利


exercise foreign fruit juicecongratulation(名词) congratulate(动词) allowencourage
Exercise, foreign, fruit juice, congratulations, allow encourage
锻炼take exercise、外国的foreign、果汁fruit juice、祝贺congratulate、允许allow、鼓励encourage
exercise freignal juice congratulations allow/(grant) encourage .
Exercise Foreign Juice Congratulations Allow Encourage


1 exercises to do something 2 and should not be too ... 3 so ... so 4 simply does not ... is not ... 5 in order to make the end of ... 6 mistakes 7 Why not ... 8 to the beginning ... 9 afraid to do something 10 ridicule 11 decision [not] to do something 12 wrote 13 available 14 pairs of a person angry 15 to see someone do something 16 try to do something 17 used to do something 18 habits to do something 19 are used to do something 20 for someone / something worried 21 too busy to do something 22 busy with something 23 is no longer 24 a person to spend time / money to do something 25 how much time to do something 26 mind to do something 27 In the past few years 28, an eight-year-old boy 29 as far as possible ... 30 Finally 31 Even 32 pairs of ... are proud of 33 Note 34 to give up something 35 to make / let someone do something 36 were forced to do something 37 so that a person ... 38 should be allowed to do something 39 should not be allowed to do something 40 permit a person to do something

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