

我也和你一样的 你再等等吧 我以前都等了一个月多了 才叫我要到广州去面签啊 快开学了也不要急 你通知一下英国这边的学校 让学校知道了就可以了 祝你和我一样好运 呵呵



假如我真的能料到你我之间没有任何发展的空间,我们不会通过电子邮件联系。然而,我并没有给你做任何承诺。如果我们想要在一起,那我们顺其自然吧!我们要做的最后一件事就是建立你我之间的工作关系。 你已经拿到了去香港和澳门的签证,恭喜你!这样如果我回来了你就可以来香港看我了。我在那里有一套小房子,是供我和家人去度假时住的,比花钱去住旅馆要好。 希望我能帮你解决问题,或许今年10月我们能见面。我在想回去待2大约周。不过还没决定是先去香港还是直接飞往马来西亚。



一、在读证明需要中英文对应。二、模板:1)中文在校证明:_________,男/女,出生于______年____月____日,______年___月进入我校学习,现为我校____专业__年级的学生。该生在校期间学习成绩优异,尊敬师长,团结同学,积极参加各项集体活动,是一名品学兼优的好学生。因其近期准备出国留学深造,我校同意其出国计划并提供其成绩如下:成绩科目 第一学年 第二学年 第三学年 第四学年特此证明!校长:_______大学______年____月____日2)英文在校证明 :_________, male\famele, born on___ , ______ and has been studying in our university since______. Now he is a sophomore with the major of ______. ______gains excellent score in examination, respects teachers, united with students, takes actively part in all kinds of activities and is a good student of good character and scholarship. ______ decided to further his study in Britain, we agree with his study plan and are willing to provide the record as following:Record Subject The First Year The Second Year The Third Year The Fourth YearHereby Certificated!President:______University____,______
有很多学校供应双语的在读证明的,尽量让学校开。 没有的话自己要翻,这种证明多多益善,问你要就把两种都上交。 肯定影响签证的成功率的。英文版不用盖章的,你是和中文版一起提交的。



给你提供最佳译文,望能辨别优劣。注意,根据英文习惯,信件的日期应放在右上方。目前在“张三”处暂用了“Mr. Zhang San”,如是女士可改成“Ms…”。祝你好运!译件一:Certification of Income March 17, 2009To Whom It May Concern,This is to certify that Mr. Zhang San is Director of Operations at the XXXX Project Supervision Company Ltd., Taiyuan City. His annual salary of 120,000 RMB Yuan.Project Supervision Company Ltd.Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, China译件二:New Zealand Embassy in China March 17, 2009Dear Sir or Madam,Mr. Zhang San, an employee of this company, is going to New Zealand for English studies at his own expense. After discussion by the Board, the decision was made to grant him a one-year leave. We would be obliged if you could issue him a visa for this purpose.Yours faithfully,Project Supervision Company Ltd.Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, China
第一个:Certification of Employment and IncomeThis is hereby to certificate that Mr./Ms. Zhang San(DOB ID No. ) is currently under the employment of Taiyuan XXXX Project Supervison Co. Ltd. and posited Supervisor of marketing dept with the anual income of 120,000 RMB第二个:Dear Visa Officer,Mr./Ms Zhang San (DOB ID No ), as the employee of our entity, has applied for an one-year vocation in order to finish his/her self-sporned English Proficiency Program in New Zealand and such application has been approved.Any careful consideration and assistance of his/her visa application will be highly appreciated.XXXXXX自己查一下拼写吧,有问题hi我
Proof of wagesThis proof threes, engineering supervision in taiyuan XXXX, position Co., LTD is the competent business, annual salary is 12 million yuan.Hereby certificateTaiyuan XXXX project supervision company limitedX X X days in onNew Zealand embassy in China:My company employees to study English at New Zealand Jones, the board decided to leave, and agree to the year, advance the visa.Taiyuan XXXX project supervision company limitedX X X days in onQuestioner: lzw819 - a level
during in the united states , all the needed expenses will be paid by himself/herself,and he/she guarantee thats he/she will come back in a due time. 或者during in the united states ,he/she is responsable for providing all the needed expenses 。and guarantee thats he/she will come back as scheduled
Translation 1: Wages to prove I certify that the San, in the City Project Management Ltd. XXXX job, jobs are business executives, the annual wage is 120,000 yuan. Hereby certify that Taiyuan Project Supervision XXXX Ltd. X years X months X Day Translation II: New Zealand Embassy in China: Zhang MY employees to improve the English language at their own expense to New Zealand for one year, research by the Board of Directors decided to leave its year, look to the pre-visa. Taiyuan Project Supervision XXXX Ltd. X years X months X Day

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