

The previous name of our company is ***. In 2007, the name of our company changed to *** as the development of business.
这个不用自己翻译的吧? 我们这里自己翻译好了,公证处也不认可的 他们只要中文原件并盖公章的 这是我亲身经历过的 希望能为你提供参考哦


2,求英语翻译 办签证时用到的

moved from XX room(室), XX Unit(单元), XX Building(幢), XX Comunity(小区), Liandu district, Lishui, Zhejiang for college student recruitment
this is to certify that xxx, a student of class six, grade nine at our school, plans to visit denmark, norway, and sweden from june 18 to july 5, 2013. during his/her(这个his her请根据自己的性别来选择啦) stay in europe, all the fees shall be paid by his/her parents. we hereby certify.学校的名字写在落款处就好了,如果有自己的官方翻译的,你就直接照写,没有的话,你可以给私信我帮你翻译。 加上盖章日期。
Moved From ZheJiang Province Lishui City Liangdu District XX Xiaoqu, XX --XX Unit, XX Room Due To College Student Recruitment

求英语翻译 办签证时用到的

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